Tritonworks Maelstrom Line Scabbards are the same scabbards that originally put Tritonworks on the map... only better!
These scabbards represent the
best value in the custom scabbard market.
Tritonworks combines quality leather, decorative elements, wood and metal
to create a scabbard that you will be proud to own, at a price you can afford.
The customer wanted something fancy... but not TOO fancy.
Full shot of a Del Tin 5169 and scabbard unsheathed, the sword is historical the suspension is not, but still effective.
Full length shot of Badger Blades Longsword Unsheathed.
This scabbard was created for a Scottish themed wedding.
Maelstrom Seaxes with a Celtic bear theme.
A Maelstrom Line Scabbard for an Albion Yeoman Type XIV sword.
This is a scaled back version of the Allectus scabbard for the Maelstrom lines, not as much hardware, not as much cost.
An updated version of the Maelstrom Line Knight scabbard, even the Maelstrom Line is always improving.
A new Maelstrom Line Steward Scabbard.
Here is a new and improved Maelstrom Talhoffer Scabbard, with a much better suspension then the old version.
Scabbard for Albion Vassal, note how the scabbard conforms to the sword's shape.
Here is a full length shot of the OlliN German Messer in its sheath, there was a little to much light in the picture but since it was one of the only ones I had of the sword sheathed full length I thought it was worth showing
This is a full length shot of a scabbard I did as a presentation piece for a young man's birthday and clan ceremony.
Full length shot of the massive Dane of necessity the picture is rather small I had to stand pretty far back.
Here is another of those MRL Oakeshott type XII warswords. This one is in brown with matching custom grip so that the customer can see the difference that a change in color can make as compared to the previous dark brown model.
Here is a scabbard I did without belt for a DN1532. It is difficult to tell in this picture but the scabbard actually has a hexagonal cross section. Chape and locket are made from mild steel and nickel silver respectively.